Ed's Blog
Summer 2012
Summer is at an end and Autumn is almost here. Out of all the seasons Summer goes by the fastest. I attribute the speed at which Summer seems to move at to all the weddings, graduations, BBQ's, vacations, and, at least in my family, birthdays that happen in the 90 days we give to Summer as a season.
For me, Autumn means several things. I'll be getting the house winterized, splitting wood, and putting the bike away until warmer days return. It also means football, clambakes, and sweaters. Out of all the seasons, I believe I enjoy Autumn the most. I love the weather, I love the smells, I love the seasonal beers, and pretty soon the holidays will be upon us meaning fun, family, food and drink. Here's to a great Autumn. I put a few pictures from Summer 2012 into a slide show on the right. Oh and don't forget to vote in November.